Guest Speaker 1: Kenny Jordan - Executive Director of Association of Energy Service Companies. AESC - Update on statistics regarding Well Servicing Companies.

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector - OSHA Regional area Director. Topic: OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Rick Ingram. Oil and Gas and STEPS

Guest Speaker 2: Arlene Lamont and/or Jack Rector. OSHA update

No Meeting

Guest Speaker 1: Arlene Lamont with the Fort Worth OSHA Area Office. Job Safety Analysis
OSHA update - Oil and Gas Extraction Fatalities, Cold Stress, Silica Enforcement

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector. Toys for Tots

Guest Speaker 1: Kevin Shipman, McDowell Safety & Health. Topic: Robotic Tank Inspection & Cleaning Presentation, Utilizing robotic technologies to reduce the need to place personnel into dangerous confined space areas.

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: William (Bill) Williford, Travelers. Auto exposures in the oilfield.

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Dean Wingo. Update on the NIOSH NORA

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Eric Roseman. Topic: "What Good Looks Like" Based on ANSI Z390 - H2S Safety

Guest Speaker 2: Rachel Richter, Urban Wildlife Biologist, DFW Texas Parks and Wildlife. Wildlife Safety

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Mickey Nevill, Safety & DOT Compliance Manager with Basic Energy Service. Topic: SIMOPS

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Mr. Jeff Lynch with Lone Star Safety. Topic: Fall Protection. There will also be a live demonstration out in the parking lot.

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Joe Avila. The topic of the presentation will be Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards in the Field Gas Compressor Industry.

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update

Guest Speaker 1: Kenny Jordan - Executive Director of Association of Energy Service Companies. AESC. Topic:“Safety Statistics for the Well Servicing Industry”

Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector or Arlene Lamont. OSHA update