Guest Speaker 1: Shannon Mitchum with Mitchum Consulting will be presenting "Active Shooter in the Workplace"
Guest Speaker 2: John “JP” Walsh, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA Update.
Guest Speaker 1: Joe Avila, HSE Supervisor, J-W Power Company. Mr Avila will be presenting "Safety Hazards and Solutions for Enclosed Field Gas Compressors."
Guest Speaker 2: JP Walsh or Gary Files, OSHA Update.
Guest Speaker 1: Michael O’Neal, Blackline Safety, Regional Sales Manager, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Mr O'Neal will be presenting "The Connected Worker; the future of detection, monitoring and reporting for personal safety."
Guest Speaker 2: JP Walsh or Gary Files, OSHA Update.
Guest Speaker 1: John “JP” Walsh, Compliance Assistance Specialist and Tim Minor, Fort Worth Area Director, OSHA Update and OSHA/NTEPS Alliance Signing.
OSHA Alliance
Guest Speaker 2: Joe Avila, 2018 NTEPS President. This is an important meeting! We need to review the upcoming Charter Alliance NTEPS and OSHA will soon sign. We will also have brief updates from the National Steps Meeting held in Houston at the OSHA Oil and Gas Conference, and the conference itself. Finally, we will vote to keep or change our current format and schedule, and…
Guest Speaker 1: Darwin Copsey, Safety Forum Discussion on Minor and Major Safety Issues in the Field.
Guest Speaker 2: John “JP” Walsh, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA Update.
Guest Speakers 1: Ron Byrd CSP, LCR, FSR, Director of Risk Control with Towerstone Wholesale Insurance. Mr. Byrd will be presenting "At What Level," driving issues in the Oil & Gas Industry.
Guest Speaker 2: John “JP” Walsh, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA Update.
Guest Speakers 1: James Karin, Account Manager at Ritz Safety. Mr. Karin will be presenting Hand and Portable Power Tool Safety.
Guest Speaker 2: Gary Files, Assistant Director, Fort Worth Area Office. OSHA Update. Introduction to Fort Worth Area Office's new Compliance Assistance Specialist, John “JP” Walsh, who will be joining us at this meeting.
Guest Speaker 1: Geri Blanchard, President of Norm Solutions, LLC. Mrs. Blanchard will be presenting Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) for the oil and gas industry.
Guest Speaker 2: Arlene Lamont or Gary Files, OSHA Update.
Guest Speaker 1: Stephen Gale, BSc, Business Development Manager with Chalwyn from the United Kingdom. Mr. Gale will be presenting Diesel Engine Safety Solutions, a look at new findings related to the international serious accident history relating to diesel engines near gas leaks.
Guest Speaker 2: Arlene Lamont or Gary Files, OSHA Update
Guest Speakers 1: Ken Rogus and Joe Avila will be making a presentation on "Hand Safety for Oil and Gas."
Guest Speaker 2: Arlene Lamont or Gary Files, OSHA Update
Guest Speaker 1: Suzanne Kazo, Territory Sales Manager with VF Workwear will be offering a dynamic presentation on Heat Stress.
Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector Title: OSHA Update
Guest Speaker 1: Eric Rosemann, Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Practices
Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector Title: OSHA Update
Guest Speaker 1: Joe Avila, HSE Supervisor with JW Energy. Topic: Applying OSHA's standard on Walking Working Surfaces in the oil field (Compression Facilities).
Guest Speaker 2: Jack Rector - OSHA Regional area Director. Topic: OSHA update